Sunday 26 April 2009

What is the Pinewood Studios Development

The Pinewood Building Project

The Corporate spin (they put up the PR guy - not the main man which is interesting).
Text from their website...

A significant number of Pinewood employees, clients, suppliers and tenants live in the area and contribute to Pinewood Studios’ worldwide reputation for excellence. To secure its long term future, Pinewood has to remain forward thinking, anticipating the challenges from international competition and the rapidly evolving demands of its clients. From its foundation, Pinewood Studios has contributed to, and participated in, many local events.

Some of our recent community-based contributions include:

* Contributions to Langley Park Restoration Project
* The Iver Heath Youth Project in partnership with Chalfont Community College
* The opening of the new link between Black Park and Pinewood Road, along the southern boundary of Pinewood Studios, in April 2008
* Sponsorship of Riding for the Disabled in Fulmer
* Payment of annual rental for headquarters of Iver Heath Drama Society
* Provision of lighting equipment to Iver Infant School

Does not seem a lot of community involvement when there is so much money to be made with the development. Development in the middle of the green belt. What would Sir John Betjeman think....

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