Sunday 26 April 2009

Tips on Deer Spotting

The BBC have given me tips for Deer watching the deer....

Watch out for tell-tale signs of the animals including tracks, damage to trees, eaten autumn fruits, and deer poo. Yep. Found that

Use your nose to detect the scent of deer and their droppings. Well, they actually sit there and stare at me.

Once you've located the deer's favourite habitats, be patient and watch quietly for the action to unfold. Patience not needed. They are there all the time.

The best time to watch the deer is just after dawn and at dusk when they are most active. Yep. Yep. Yep

Listen for the bellow of this herd's dominant stag during the rut. Whistling is also common.

Keep quiet and wear camouflage colours when watching the deer because they are easily disturbed. Not the ones we have.

Remember to keep a safe distance from the stag and his females!

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