Sunday 26 April 2009

Neighbourhood Watch in Fulmer

The village has a very active and effective Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Brian Weild is the scheme convener and Dee Knight is his deputy.

The scheme aims to cooperate with police and the local authority to prevent crime and protect individuals and property in the village, to be vigilant in respect of elderly and infirm residents, to make villagers aware of potential hazards through an early-warning system and to provide advice on property protection and marking.

Local Watch information is available to all Fulmer residents, on request, via email, and is also distributed through coordinators for each road or sub-area.

The scheme helps you protect yourself, your neighbours and your village, All Fulmer residents belong to it, unless they request not to receive the information and invitations to local Neighbourhood Watch events.

For further information, please contact
Brian Weild.

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