Sunday 26 April 2009

Pinewood Studios Building in Green Belt

On Wednesday 21st May at 8pm in the Village Hall Ivan Dunleavy, PatrickGarner, David Wight and Andrew Smith from Pinewood Studios will give a presentation on their plans to build far too many houses opposite their current site housing up to 7,000 people!

Sending out a quarterly newsletter to sell the idea to the surrounding area is really not a plan. I assume the debt crisis has caused them to rethink.

They clearly have not considered the impact in many ways on Fulmer but particularly on traffic and property. Hopefully by May 21st they will have given due consideration to Fulmer and the impact on our community. They have committed to write about their plans in the Newsletter which will be out in early May giving everyone the opportunity to consider what they have written ahead of the meeting on May 29th.

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