Monday 20 July 2009

Pinewood destruction of greenbelt upsets locals

If land is boring, go live elsewhere

Jul 16 2009 Buckinghamshire Advertiser

I AM writing in response to A Geer's letter 'Why worry about rural character?' regarding the development at Pinewood Studios (Advertiser, July 9).

The fact that Greater London's population is increasing is exactly why the Green Belt should be protected and incentives given to people to move away from being just congested in the London area.

The majority of people who choose to live in the South Buckinghamshire area do so because it is rural and not like Slough and Uxbridge, otherwise perhaps they would have moved to a town in the first place. As for widening the country roads like Alderbourne Lane, I can assure you residents would not welcome it.

Perhaps AGeer should consider whether he/she is living in the right area for their lifestyle, as obviously describing the area as 'boring farmland' is not only offensive but suggests that he/she does not deserve to live in such a beautiful environment.

People like A Geer have just proved the point that the Pinewood Project is nothing more than just an undercover housing project. The number of jobs it will create is very low compared with the number of

people living there. Most of these jobs will go to people not living in the South Bucks area; and it will takes jobs away from other areas of the country, as the film industry concentrates on this area and reduces the need for staff, with economies of scale and cost savings. The project will increase pollution, increase traffic (estimated at 4,000 extra car movements per day), double the size of a small community, destroy wildlife areas and ruin the landscape.

It is estimated it will affect other rural areas up to 15 miles away. If we wanted to live in Paris, Amsterdam, New York or Venice, we would move there.

Who benefits the most? - Pinewood shareholders and investors. Perhaps A Geer is one.

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